My #1 recommendation for “custom” hiking boot measurement and fit in Southern California is Adventure 16 Outdoor Outfitters. I go to the A-16 West LA location off 405 and Pico Boulevard near Santa Monica. While there are many great stores that stock hiking boots, I feel A-16 has a more experienced boot-fit staff. I’ve taken clients into A-16, and the boot staff has taken 45 minutes to professionally measure their feet then bring out the best boots to fit their specific foot volume and hiking needs. A-16 also has some great presentation workshops too–some are even on feet and shoes like the one Michael Sandler of “Barefoot Running” did recently.
For custom boot repairs, A-16 recommends Quality Shoe Repair in Santa Monica. A good pair of hiking boots might be well worth refurbishing and repairing before discarding or replacing. Ask for Rubin if going to Quality Shoe Repair.